Why ‘good’ people likely suffer — they’re too ‘good’

Why I Believe the person
Job in the OT Suffered.

Maybe why you’re suffering
as a Christian?

He ‘burnt’ himself out.
When God perhaps
didn’t want him to burn himself out.

6For I desired mercy,
and not sacrifice;
and the knowledge of God
more than “burnt” offerings.
—Hosea 6:6

Derek Prince, a godly teacher, and a man who studied much in philosophy, said that he realized that the Bible is the most logical book ever written.

Hosea 6:6 says God desires the knowledge of God MORE
than “burnt” offerings.

Mercy is relational…
Knowledge of God is relational…

Sacrifice and “burnt offerings”
is honorable. And I would say even good. But it’s not Gods preference. Because God is love 1 John 4:8

Being Relational is more important to God. Because where the cultivation of love is, there is the “bond of perfectness”
Colossians 3:14?

This is why one of the things God hates most is those who sow discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6

Make no mistake…

God was very pleased with Job.
I think it is reasonable to say that God was proud of Job.

But God needed to work on Job.
Because Job wasn’t living his life the way God preferred him to. Relationally.

Job wasn’t with his children having a meal with them, relationally, when he could have…

Instead he was burning himself out, making a burnt sacrifice for their spiritual well-being.

A good thing…
but perhaps not the best thing…

If Job was there for his kids… maybe things would have been different…

His kids needed primarily a daddy, secondarily a
“prophet, priest and king.”

Job was honorable,
dedicated to God.
His ambition was to please God.
2 Corinthians 5:9

He was industrious in righteous ways. He helped the poor, and continually made sacrifices on behalf of his children.

“Thus did Job continually.”
Job 1:5

There’s a lot of theology in this one part of the verse;

“Thus did Job continually.”

Job was burning himself out…

And God saw, it seems,
that it was not good.

So God stopped him.


His friends came, and Eliphaz, though not sympathetically as he probably should have been, put his finger on something that Job really needed to have cleared in his life.

Eliphaz, as a true friend,
told Job the truth.
Hard as it was for Job to probably hear.

3Is it any pleasure to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? or is it gain to him, that thou makest thy ways perfect?
—Job 22:3

His ambition and will-power to serve God — apparently exceeded his relational knowledge of who God is.

Because Jobs deliverance came when he had a relational encounter with the holiness of Gods person.

And then, when he prayed for his friends, (another relational thing), his trials abated.

Jesus’ prayer for the church was relational. “That they may be one, as we Father are one.” John 17

We can “strive” about with
“words (and works) to no profit”
2 Timothy 2:14
(Let him who reads, filter and discern what I say)(Mark 13:14)

That if the only profit we get is an accomplishment of some righteous endeavor, but its goal is not love for God and love for each other, then we have ”missed the mark” 🎯 and sinned…

Jesus said what he did, so that others “might be saved.” John 5:34

And Job did what he did, it seems, because He wanted to honor God. and protect his children from losing Gods favor. So he made sacrifice for them.

Job was noble.
He thought about the right things Philippians 4:8

But it seems Job was not relational.

And perhaps Job was not relational because his 3 [VERY]elderly friends
(see Job 15:10), were not relational themselves.

Job was like Christ,
who “sat in the temple” Asking the doctors of the law questions.

Job probably revered the holiness of his 3 elderly friends…

But because they themselves weren’t relationally mature, they had to suffer this ordeal, in seeing their protégé — Job, suffer…

What did Job need?

Relational bonding abilities with God and one another. And he never got it because his elderly friends weren’t able to teach him this.

(It seems they had relational wills, but they weren’t good at being relationally loving naturally so).
(In the beginning Jobs 3 friends sat on the dirt with him for a week, before they said a word).

As much as Job’s 3 friends failed to help Job, they probably did a much better job helping Job than most of us ever would.

Who among us would sit on the dirt ground for a week with a suffering friend? Jobs 3 friends did…

But Job ultimately needed a relational encounter with God…

According to the wisdom of Eliphaz, and it was wisdom; he asked Job; “is it any gain to him that you make your ways perfect?”
—Job 22:3

Eliphaz put his finger on something in Jobs life that he needed to be more well-rounded in…

Jesus, our Lord and Savior,
calls us to “be perfect”
Matthew 5:48

“To make our ways perfect”
—Job 22:3

In context we can only do this secondarily, If we know that we are “children of our Father.”
Matthew 5:45

“Behold what manner of LOVE that the FATHER has bestowed on us. That we would be called
children of God.”
1 John 3:1

I wonder if that’s why you and I are suffering as believers?

We aren’t enjoying our relationship with God and each other.
And we are forgetting how.

And the Lord would have us remember the value of relational love.

The pandemic tried to shut everyone’s love out and down.

“But where sin (and sinful events) abounded, grace abounded more.”
—Roman’s 5

This isn’t the end of love.

“Having hope, when our faith is increased.” 2 Corinthians 10:15

Turn Someone’s ‘curse’ into a Blessing Today!☀️🌻

OUR GOD turned the curse INTO a blessing.
—Nehemiah 13:2

love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest:


for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.


36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Luke 6:35-36


Jesus [did] tell us not to cast our pearls before “swine.”
—Matthew 7

I’m sharing this verse because it’s balancing with the verse in Luke 6

We should be wise about who we give our love and time to.

But we will likely find many on our journey of life or of today, who need mercy,
who need kindness…

Be kind to them. Even if they seem “unthankful and evil.”

How often God shows us kindness, and we never thank Him, and we remain “evil” and selfish…

Gods good kindnesses are meant to re-make us and turn us into loving persons.

You can be part of the recipe of this in someone’s life today☀️✨ by being kind to someone who is typically “unthankful and evil.”

You could turn “their curse into a blessing.”

he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

Luke 6:35


OUR GOD turned the curse INTO a blessing.
—Nehemiah 13:2

Be imitators of God,
as beloved children.
—Ephesians 5:1

Why Must We Undergo Internal Pain?

Why must we undergo internal ache and pain as believers?

Perhaps for a similar reason that Jesus “MUST needs” have gone ‘through’ Samaria John 4:4

Jesus was a Jew. And the Jews have “no dealings with the Samaritan’s” John 4:9 Jesus’ commission that he had to uphold from scripture, was to bring salvation to the “Jews” John 4:22

A time was soon coming when salvation would be to the “Jew first, and also to the gentile.” Romans 1:16

But until this day, Jesus “must needs” have passed through Samaria. John 4:4

We don’t understand at all how hard this “must needs” was for Jesus, for His dear heart and soul.

He is the embodiment of compassion and of love. But he had to delay and restrain this glowing compulsion he had, while passing through Samaria, and refrain Himself from healing there as much as He probably would have loved to. Until the fullness of time came when his disciples would bring the gospel to the samaritans in a fuller way.

Jesus had an internal ache and pain. Of wanting to express love and to heal, for the Samaritan’s. But He just couldn’t, yet. . Because thus it became him to “fulfill all righteousness.” Matthew 3:15 as he said later to one in need; “I am not sent BUT UNTO the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24.

Did Jesus want to heal and help her? Surely… more than we could ever comprehend. But he had to fulfill the scriptures. He had to “complete his assignment” so to speak.




The internal ache and pain we feel inside as believers, is a small portion of the vast ache and pain Jesus felt, wanting to love and to heal, and yet being restricted often in how he could let this “virtue go / flow out of him.” Luke 6:19

God would like to give us the glorious honor of relating in special ways to other people, and so that we might truly prophesy comfort on the behalf of others.

Prophesying is said to be the most desirable of spiritual gifts.

One would think a highly desirable anything, would come at a great cost. And it’s no different with prophesying.

It can only be genuinely achieved and born in the soul, when the soul has bourne great affliction and pain on the inside.

35(Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own (internal) soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Which is what happens in prophesying)
–Luke 2:35

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but ‘especially’
(most specially) that you may prophesy.
–1 Corinthians 14:1

The most ‘especial’ gold silver and ‘precious stones’ are for those who have learned how to prophesy.

And we can only learn this trade, by trading with Christ, by having related to Christ, in those times of his earthly life when he had said; “my (inward) soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death.”
Mark 14:34

Our sense that we are about to die, is given us so that we may have (spiritual) prepared meals for those who are also at the brink of death, and we become a conduit, like an angel of sorts, to help keep them alive with baken cakes. Like how the angel gave a cake to Elijah when he was almost ready to die.

Arise and eat. 6And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals,

and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again.

7And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.
—1 Kings 19:6-7

This is why “your sons and daughters shall prophesy” at the end when the tribulation is. Because with great tribulation of inward pain, comes a great vehicle of power for prophesying.

35(Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

Luke 2:35

Coals also are made under pressure without a lot of vent. . So it is with spiritual beauty and prophesying, which is the fruit of one of the most beautiful trees of spiritual beauty

The angel in 1 Kings baked a cake for Elijah to keep this mighty servant of God alive when he was at the point of death.

But the angel had baked the cake on ‘coals’

And so, if we would ever have a ‘cake’ of prophesy to sustain another soul, we must have had days or months or years, where we’ve been accustomed to the pressure treated ‘coals’ for so they are made in this way. . .

Our pressure and inward pain, produces coals… and these coals produce cakes, to sustain Elijah’s on their journey heavenward.

God wastes nothing. Not even 12 basketfuls of bread.

And how much more is the worth of the 10 or 12 coals that God has produced in the internal chambers of your soul?

On earth they are but coals. But when applied spiritually to make cakes for others, for others who are ready to die, they are like unto diamonds.

“From coals, to diamonds.”

Your coals of inward pain and trials of this life may one day be diamonds in the kingdom of God.

No pain on the inside that the Lord has given you to endure, will ever be wasted.

All your pains will amount to diamonds one day.

4And by knowledge (of the man of sorrows)(Isaiah 53) shall the chambers (of your inward soul) be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. 💎
—Proverbs 24:4

4 Ways Jesus Cures

And in that same hour 

he 💙cured☀️ many 

of their:


🟢and plagues, 

⚫️and of evil spirits; 

and unto many that were 

🔘blind he gave sight.

—Luke 7:21

In whatever ‘way’ that we may need Jesus to bring us cure—He can.☺️🕊️✨